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Monday, May 01, 2006
The Secret Language of Sleep!
I was having my morning conversation with Nibaq when he sent me a link to "The Secret Language of Sleep!" I took the mini quiz, which I thought was strange cause I didn't know how to go about answering a few questions and here are my results:

I am a toboggan!
Find your own pose!

Toboggan Traits and Tendencies : Tobogganeers are always one step in front of their peers; they're first to buy a house, first to microdermabrate, first to spend more than a thousand dollars on a rug. Yet in their rush to get ahead of the curve, Toboggan couples sometimes find themselves racing in two entirely different directions. If they don't check in frequently to make sure they're both on the same track, they can grow impressively far apart, and it can take a great deal of painful maneuvering and many late-night talks before they reconnect once again.

Comfort Zone : Toboggan is a Sun Sleeper pose. Other Sun poses a Tobogganeer might enjoy include Big C Little c, Classic Spoons, and The Heimlich.

A Note About Feeding : Tobogganeers have two modes: fed and calm, and unfed and frantic. To prevent bickering and other erratic behaviors, always keep the pantry and glove box well stocked with a supply of crackers and spreadables.

Posted by The Stallion @ 9:45 AM  
  • At May 01, 2006 10:20 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    stallion whats with you and quizes!

  • At May 01, 2006 10:21 AM, Blogger DiiGMaa said…

    I sleep like a shrimp :P
    and the next morning, I wake up in the exact same position I slept in :P

    hmmm any idea what that means ?

  • At May 01, 2006 10:24 AM, Blogger The Stallion said…

    Mosan Mosan: I am easily amused and entertained with quizes and at times like these when I don't have anything to write I would post the results! :oP

    Diigmaa: I too tend to wake up in the same position I slept in! As for what that mean you might wanna read the book! Don't order it though! Wait till Nibaq gets it then take it from him when he's done! :oP

  • At May 01, 2006 11:04 AM, Blogger DiiGMaa said…

    Does Nibaq have an Aramex account ? coz it's been 1 month and 4 days and I'm still waiting for my amazon order !! ;P

  • At May 01, 2006 11:13 AM, Blogger The Stallion said…

    Diigmaa: Yeah he does! What was it, I think that there are over 7000 people in Kuwait with Aramex accounts!

  • At May 01, 2006 11:56 AM, Blogger The Stallion said…

    Mar: Wierd isn't it?!?! Sure is KrazE!

  • At May 01, 2006 11:58 AM, Blogger DiiGMaa said…

    7001 :P I finally got an account last weekend, thanx to the person who took me ;)

  • At May 01, 2006 12:00 PM, Blogger The Stallion said…

    Diigmaa: Mabrook on the new account!

  • At May 01, 2006 12:44 PM, Blogger Your Battlefield said…

    interesting....i got this a bit of what it says....and why is it that every here wakes up in the same position they slept in....not me unfortunately :)...nice post but still wanna know but the incidents

  • At May 01, 2006 12:50 PM, Blogger The Stallion said…

    Your Battlefield: A few rare times I've woken up in a different position! A totally different position! :oP As for the incidents well your wait ends here!

  • At May 01, 2006 3:40 PM, Blogger Extinct Dodo said…

    does this have anything to do with the Angel post?

  • At May 01, 2006 4:17 PM, Blogger Mama Fusla said…

    Fireman's Carry
    Whatever that's supposed to mean
    the questions are biased and most probably constructed by an 8yr old.
    This quiz sux! & No I don't hug my BF's knee and go to sleep!
    Besides, I think this 8yr old is dirty minded, something about 'Fireman' that suggests phallacy ie. kinkiness!

  • At May 01, 2006 4:48 PM, Blogger The Stallion said…

    Extinct-Dodo: This post has nothing to do with the Angel Post! There is a dedicated post for that one!

    Mama Fusla: Hehehe! I know what you mean! I think you are right about the biased questions but it's not an 8 year old it's a grown up with the mentality of an 8 year old! :oP

  • At May 02, 2006 12:01 AM, Blogger Nunu-San said…

    I got the same result of yours

  • At May 02, 2006 6:15 AM, Blogger The Stallion said…

    Nunu: Thanks for taking the time to take the quiz!

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