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Sunday, June 04, 2006
I'm helping Samboose spread the word about the dogs!


Dogs need homes!

There is a security company located in Ahamadi that has 7 dogs all pure breeds that need homes.

They are giving these dogs away. They are all young dogs from 6-months to a year!

There are 4 Pure bred German Shepherds that need homes. One is a Belgian German Shepherd as well. Also one lab, and 2 Ridge backs.

Please spread the word that these lovely dogs need homes.

Please Contact Samir Eltom : 770-4654 for more information.
Posted by The Stallion @ 12:31 PM  
  • At June 04, 2006 3:03 PM, Blogger Dakhtour said…

    Khal esafronhom to Euro!! ehnak mara7 e9adgon ena ako free dogs

    I hate dogs man :)

  • At June 04, 2006 3:09 PM, Blogger The Stallion said…

    Zizotime: It will cost too much to ship them off so then they will not be free! They will charge to get their money back that they paid to fly them off! I actually like dogs and I used to live with 4 of them!

  • At June 04, 2006 3:27 PM, Blogger Nunu-San said…

    LOL @ Zizo!!!

  • At June 04, 2006 3:33 PM, Blogger The Stallion said…

    Nunu: :oP

  • At June 04, 2006 5:36 PM, Blogger Delicately Realistic said…

    Tadry shino blogik mofeed?
    A little bit of everything for everyone :P

  • At June 04, 2006 10:04 PM, Blogger The Stallion said…

    Delicately Realistic: Thank you for the kind words! I try to help others especially friend sna dI like to please people so if I can put anything on here that would put a smile on people's faces then I'm doing what I aimed to do! Thanks again!

  • At June 05, 2006 8:52 AM, Blogger Yazeed said…

    I thought you were a horse kind of a guy :P

  • At June 05, 2006 9:08 AM, Blogger The Stallion said…

    Yazeed: I love horses, don't get me wrong, but you can't keep a horse like a pet the same way you would a dog! :oP

  • At June 05, 2006 10:13 AM, Blogger The Stallion said…

    Marzouq: You and I are on the same boat! I so miss having dogs in my room!

  • At June 05, 2006 12:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I do want one of the doggies, but my mom will end up throwing both of us out .. instead i volunteered at the animal shelter thingie .. so i can enjoy the company of pets without actually owning one :P

  • At June 05, 2006 1:06 PM, Blogger Hazolat said…


    Nisee7a 3a6hom Ajanib, they take caring for dogs very seriously.

  • At June 05, 2006 1:14 PM, Blogger The Stallion said…

    Fractal00: Which animal shelter? There are 2 in Kuwait?

    Marzouq: We might have to organize a group outing for such a thing! Might be more fun when we all get to meet up and do something fun like that!

    Hazolat: I know what you mean but the dogs are up for whoever wants them! I hope they find good homes!

  • At June 06, 2006 1:28 AM, Blogger Nunu-San said…

    Off topic: I can see I'm included to your blogroll.. You could now correct my blogspot by changing it with the new one.

    Just click one my nickname!

  • At June 06, 2006 10:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Stallion the animal friends kuwait .. Mark posted about them a while ago.

  • At June 07, 2006 4:26 AM, Blogger The Stallion said…

    NuNu™: The change has been taken care off! ;o)

    fractal00: Kewl! I've heard of them but haven't been to thier office yet!

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