Why do families here always make a big issue about people we see? Fear has set in now that people have brought the parents into the picture! I've never thought of this situation before but I've seen it happen to others! Family members intervening to bring a relationship to an end! WHY? I know many parents are looking out for the well-being of their kids but don't you think that is going overboard?
Would someone please tell me what you would do if you were in a relationship that a parent frowned upon due to the person you are dating's nationality!
ur in a hard situation... i know the feeling. honestly, i believe if you're fully convinced about the person you are with then you would be able to convince the family.
The parents always imagine the best for their kids, and sometimes they are just wrong. Today, they might feel that the person u r with is completely wrong for you, but later on down the line discover they were wrong since your partner would prove themself.
u and ur partner are up for a challenge... are u ready for it?