The Stallion's Stable of Thoughts and Experiences

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Saturday, September 24, 2005
Nearing The Final Stretch!
Wednesday Continued:

Went to my friend's place but never watched a movie! Instead we got ice cream, went to the park with the kids, and after the park we had a cook out!! I got back all tired and literally crashed as soon as I got home!


Said my final goodbyes to those I know in the "burg"! I had lunch with my friend Nicolle then went shopping for DVDs! Got home early at about 3 and took a nap till about 7! Woke up just to have dinner then go back to sleep again! Now that's what I call relaxing!


Dropped the rental off and was driven to Dulles Airport to pick up a different rental! Today my phone was disconnected and when I called to fix it I didn't know that my bill reached KD160! I don't know how that happened, well I do since all my calls are international but my phone should have cut off at KD50 and I should have received a txt msg from my provider! Oh well! When I picked up the second rental I bumped into an old friend who works for the rental agency! She gave me a better car than what I was supposed to get! Called up some people but no one was able to hang out except for my friend Rob! We had dinner at the Cheesecake Factory in "Tyson's II" then went to his local tavern and finally ended up at his friend's place!


Woke up this morning to the voice of a 4 year old kid who was playing Lego Star Wars or something on PS2! The kid was hyper! He had sooo much energy! I can't wait to have children! :o) As for the rest of my day well I plan to drive up to Pennsylvania and stay with a friend for the night before going to NYC with her tomorrow!

Posted by The Stallion @ 6:53 PM  
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Name: The Stallion
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